Our Team

The MMIRA Global Student Chapter is a dynamic and enthusiastic team dedicated to serving the research needs of students all over the world. As the student arm of the larger MMIRA organization, we strive to provide opportunities for students to engage in meaningful and impactful research activities. Our team consists of passionate individuals from various disciplines and backgrounds, all united by a common goal of promoting and advancing the field of research.

Hopegay Williams


Email: hopegaywilliams@yahoo.com

Marsha Brown

Governance Chair

Email: marshabrownresearch@gmail.com

Francis Ankomah


Email: fa013522@ohio.edu  

Meika Billings Dopwell

Communications & Marketing Chair

Email: mmiraglobalstudentchapter@gmail.com 

Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe  

Membership Coordinator


K.M. Krishna Sekhar Sarma

Professional Development Chair

Email: 22dplaw01@cuk.ac.in  

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